2011年3月7日 星期一

Trace Android Source Example

If we want to port Android source to a new board, reading Google porting guide is a good start. Following the guide and tracing the code together is a cost-efficient method.

Here is a good example to understand "How Android Porting works?" We'll use ORDOID-7 as an example. Here you can download the source code http://www.hardkernel.com/ . The board is Samsung S5PC110 1GHz ARM-Cotex A8 core.

Go to official web site: http://source.android.com/porting/build_new_device.html and compare your source code.
At Point #3 to #5 "Create a product-specific makefile, called vendor/<company_name>/products/<first_product_name>.mk, that includes at least the following code:"

Study odroid7.mk file and check with "Product Definition Files" table in Google's page. 
e.g. PRODUCT_PACKAGES means "Lists the APKs to install."
    IM \
    ImProvider \
    VoiceDialer \
    SpeechRecorder \
    Gallery3D \
    LiveWallpapersPicker \
    LiveWallpapers \

The AndroidProducts.mk to include .mk

#6 "Create a board-specific directory beneath your company directory that matches the PRODUCT_DEVICE variable <board_name> referenced in the product-specific make file above." Here the PRODUCT_DEVICE = odroid7

Not easy but not hard, just need to take time... enjoy

